Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pastor hopes program will aid faithful, church by fixing personal debt problems


Churches are spiritual centers, places where people can commune with a higher power.

But they are also essentially small businesses, with a budget, salaries, and a need for money to fill the oil tank and replace the windows.

With the country’s tough economy, many people are hesitant to donate their money to their church.

The Rev. Clyde D. Talley, the pastor at the Belmont African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Worcester, said one of the biggest obstacles to people donating is their debt load.

“Without the problem of debt in our congregation, we can focus entirely on the ministry,” Rev. Talley said. “Parishioners will be able to donate more money to the church, and then we will be able to reach out more to help the overall community. That’s our long-term goal.”

To reach his long-term goal, Rev. Talley has recently adopted a program called “Momentum.” This initiative aims to guide congregants to financial stability in their personal lives, and to increase parishioners’ fiscal generosity to their churches.

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