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What are your children doing for the summer?
Gifts of Life Ministries
The Urban Oasis
Presents the:
G'Life Summer Camp
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
(For children ages 3-15).
Starting June 3, 2013!!
Enroll your child today!!
The cost is only $50.00 per week, per child. This fee includes breakfast, lunch, snacks and a host of activities.
Dear Friend of G'Life,
As we start our 8th Summer Camp, we expect this to be one of the best. In the past, our field trips were memorable, the arts and crafts were beautiful as the church's walls attested, and we have always had some of the most gifted and talented children around. However, we expect even a bigger and greater camp this year.
The reason for this letter is that we are embarking on a new campaign. We call it the "100 with 50 campaign and its very simple--we are looking for 100 people who can donate $50.00 to our Summer Camp. I know that $5000 is not a large amount for many ministers and non-profits, but for us, it is huge. This small donation will be enough to take us through our ten week camp, helping us with supplies, food, field trips and much more.
I ask you to watch the video (again) and please share this email with others. Remember that we focus on principles that highlight self-esteem and respect for oneself and others. We also hope to promote at the camp what we call a culture of learning that not only engage campers in the arts of music, drama, oratory, poetry, and dance, but it is our prayer that we can also promote a desire for learning.
If you are able to help and desire to be a part of the 100 with 50 campaign, please click here. If you would like to mail your donation, please send it to:
Gifts of Life Ministries
1542 Jackson Memphis, Tenn. 38107
Please make checks payable to: G'Life Summer Camp
If have any questions or want to donate in any of these ways, please call me at 901-272-7337.
Thank you and may God continue to bless you and yours!
Rev. Andre Johnson, PhD
Senior Pastor