Church News, Announcements and Upcoming Events

**Announcements must be submitted to Minister Bernestine Sanders no later than Wednesday evening at 10:00 pm @ or 730-0155.

Please contact the church office to select dates for any ministry activity. YOU MUST BE ON THE CALENDAR TO HAVE AN EVENT. Please schedule your event during the times in which the building is open.

THE FIRST SUNDAY of every month is "DRESS UP SUNDAY!!!!! Pastor Johnson would like for everyone to DRESS IN THEIR SUNDAY'S BEST!!!!"

All members please complete the Directory Update form enclosed in the Church Bulletin and return to an usher. If you have already submitted the update it is not necessary to complete another form. Thank you, Helen Neely.

G-Life has an up & running Youtube channel: Glifeministriestheurbanoasis

Introducing our Care and Concern Ministry- The "Duolos" Ministry. If you are interested in serving in this ministry and/or for more information, please see Ms. Helen Neely after worship service.

Our newletter is a weekly edition.  Members are asked to get involved in the publication of our newsletter by submitting articles to Helen Neely, Kim Travers or CaSandra Bradshaw. Deadline for submitting articles by Thursday evening, 6:00 p.m., weekly.

First Lady Lisa Jones Johnson has been a Notary Public for 13 years and for the first time, she is offering her services to the general public. If you are a member of Gifts of Life Ministries and in need of a witness for your legal, family, or just plain ole important matter, Lisa's services will be available for $7.00. Moreover, if anyone else is in need of her services the fee will be $10.00 and she will even trip within a 10 mile radius for a small additional fee. So tell everyone you know to call Lisa Jones Johnson at (901) 878-9508 for all of their notary needs.
Inner contentment or peace cannot be purchased; however, you can learn how to find a way to live harmoniously with one another by working to resolve conflicts that you may have with others.  In Matthews 18: 15-17, it tells believers how to resolve disputes that will arise but what happens when you cannot find resolutions? Traditionally, we resolve conflicts by ignoring one another, becoming disengaged with one another, and becoming spiteful and/or even stop speaking or being in fellowship with each other.  This is not healthy or in God's will for us.  So, if you are looking for answers, peace, and/or ways to prevent conflict, your answers are here.  No need to look any further because 4 PEACEFUL RESOLUTIONS, LLC can help find the peace you are looking for if you are ready to find it. Contact Lisa Jones Johnson at (901) 878-9508, if you have any questions. 

4 PEACEFUL RESOLUTIONS, LLC is a mediation firm that works with individuals and/or groups that are in conflicts involving: All couples, landlord/tenants, child visitation, divorce, church issues, family issues, elderly care disputes between parent(s) and child(ren), child w/domestic violence issues, contracts, property dispute, etc.

S.U.G.A.H.  WOMEN'S PRAYER LINE MINISTRY, is every Monday night at 7:00 p.m.

THE DOULOS PRAYER LINE MINISTRY, is every Wednesday night @ 7:00 p.m.

The power of our devotional walk with God is found in the Word and in prayer. Delight in the Lord and He will enliven your day with His precepts. Your tongue will bubble forth His praise. Sit at the feet of the Master, commune with Him, and then arise in humble obedience. Nothing less will bring adequate glory to God. -Salt&Light-Hanover 
ACCESS CODE: 676931#
The Prayer Line is available for prayer and also ministry meeting conference calls. Call the above number and enter the access code.  Members can utilize this feature on any day except Thursday or when Pastor Johnson announces a special call.

*****REMINDER: The newsletter will feature a monthly section that will include G'Life members' birthdays.  Please give your birth date(s) to Helen Neely, CaSandra Hall, or Kimberley Travers. The birthday announcement section will begin immediately.  All G'Life members, please submit your birth dates today!!!

BIBLE STUDY....Every Thursday Night; Dinner/Fellowship @ 5:30 p.m./Bible Study @ 6:30 p.m.

SOUP AND SANDWICH COMMUNITY LUNCH every Tuesday & Thursday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. LUNCH is FREE!!! Donations are accepted!!! 

Love Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Sunday, June 7, 2015.

Juneteenth, Friday, June 19, 2015, celebrating 150 years!!!

S. U. G. A. H. Retreat, Saturday, June 20, 2015, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.

Father's Day Surprise, 10:30 a.m., Sunday, June 21, 2015.

Men's Bar-B-Q Fundraiser, Saturday, June 27, 2015, 8 a.m. until.

Men's Day, 3:00 p.m., Sunday, June 28, 2015.

Helps Ministry Fundraiser in memory of Deacon Robert Brown, Sunday, July 11, 2015, 3:00 p.m.

Fusion Carnival, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m., Saturday, July 15, 2015.

Fusion Youth & Young Adult Day, Sunday, July 26, 2015, 3:00 p.m.

*Please remember to contribute to our Scholarship Fund!!! Applications are available; If you have any questions or need information about the Dr. Andre E. Johnson Scholarship; contact DIT Kimberley Travers-Chair @ 901-644-6668,  Ms. Ivory Bryant, Minister Carrol Seldon, or Rev. Alma Brown. The scholarship applications are to be turned in by May 31st, 2015. Scholarships will be awarded in August (TBA).

Please join us for our "Summer of Friendship!! For the months of June - July we will be having our G.Life Friends & Family Worship Experience!! A monetary incentive will be awarded to the member or members who bring in the most guests: 1st place-$200.00, 2nd place- $100.00, and 3rd place- $50.00. Incentives to be awarded August 2nd, 2015. For more information contact DIT Kimberley Travers or refer to letter (posted on bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall) for rules and requirements.

Worship Opportunities:

Sunday Worship 8 a.m.
Power Hour ( Sunday School) 10:30 a.m.
Thursday Night Dinner & Bible Study 5:30 p.m.
Bible Study 6:30 p.m.

*And any other special G'Life Events (TBA)

Please support the Gifts of Life Young Masters team in your giving. We are in need of funds to help with upcoming activities/transportation. Thank you for your prayers and support. (Rev. Glenn Carter, Coach)

(May 31th, 2015 - June 6th, 2015)

7:30 am Prayer Service
8:00 am Worship Service
10:00 am POWER HOUR
*New 10:00am worship starting in August 2015

7:00 p.m. S.U.G.A.H. Women's Prayer Line

11:00 a.m.- 1 p.m. SOUP AND SANDWICH

7:00 Doulos Ministry Prayer Line

11 a.m. Soup and Sandwich
6:00 p.m. Dinner and Fellowship
7:00 p.m. Bible Study

Office Closed

11 a.m. Fusion Youth Group
1 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 

Contact Information: Gifts of Life Ministries
3381 Raleigh-Millington Road
Memphis, TN. 38128
(901) 236-7095

"The Urban Oasis"
A Call Centered, Mission Group Oriented, 
Servant Leadership Church