Work is fundamental to who we are as human beings. Work has different meanings for different people, but for all workers, it is the way we meet our basic needs, sustaining ourselves and our families. For too many residents in Shelby County, their hard work is often underappreciated and even goes unpaid. These workers are victims of wage theft.
Many workers each year experience wage theft, often forcing them to choose between paying their rent or putting food on the table. I invite you to stand with workers and ask our county to put an end to wage theft today!
Take action: Here's what you can do to help stop Wage Theft in Shelby Couty:
1) Call the Board of Commissioners at 901-222-1000
Tell your Commissioner it is necessary for workers to have a process to file criminal charges against employers who steal wages from employees in Shelby County. Our entire community benefits when workers are paid correctly and all employers are held to the same standards.
2) Read and Share The Epidemic of Wage Theft in Shelby County, Tennessee. Stories of Unprotected Workers and How We Can Address This Crisis.
This wage theft report shares the experiences of 7 workers in Shelby County that have experienced wage theft, gives background information about wage theft, and ways that you can help prevent wage theft. Page 14 of the report includes e-mail addresses for all County Commissioners!
3) Read Wendi Thomas's excellent article on WIN's campaign to get a wage theft law passed that appeared in the Commercial Appeal on Sunday, June 3, 2012.
Thank you for standing with workers struggling for justice on the job!
In peace and justice,
Rev. Rebekah Gienapp
Executive Director